Saturday, July 9, 2011

A few more days

One of the most interesting places that we have visited is Bibracte, the site of a celtic city built, in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, high on a mountain.  Even Julius Caesar never attacked this town.  Instead he traded with them for the metal products that they made. They became very rich and the archaeologists have dug up the foundations of a house that covered about 4000 square metres.

 But, it was cold on the mountain and when the Emporer Augustus offered to build them a new town in the valley near the river and the main road from Rome to Paris, they all moved to Autun.  We went to Autun and visited its beautiful cathedral.

The next day we went to Beaune, a pretty city that produces lots of wine.  There were lots of nice buildings.  There was the church of Notre Dame, for example,

and the hospital that was built hundreds of years ago for poor people who got sick.  It has a very colourful roof. 

The best thing was that you could see all of the good parts of Beaune by taking the little train.

On Wednesday we went and explored the little villages in the hills above Nuits-St-George, the city near where we are staying.

There were lots and lots of vineyards, but some of the vines looked a bit sick.

We found a great place for lunch in a little town called Villars Fontaine.

On our way back we stopped at another church, St Symphorien, and were not the only ones there.

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