Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Around Lyon and onward

The town near to the place we stayed to visit Lyon is called L'Arbresle (pronounced lah brel).  It is also a very old town and it has a beautiful church made out of yellow stone.  Because it is a honeycomb colour, Ros called it the Violet Crumble church!!

In the same area we found a special museum and theatre about a very famous French puppet called Guignol.  He is quite a naughty puppet and often gets into trouble - a bit like Mr Punch.  We even had a turn at being the puppeteer.

Then we moved on to a town called Maussane-les-Alpilles (Mow sarn les alpeels). On 14th July the French celebrate Bastille Day, which is like Australia Day.  All the towns have special celebrations and fireworks.  The most exciting event was called an Abrivado. 

First the white horses parade down the street.

Then they come back leading a wild black bull called a "taureau".  The silly young men run after the bull and try to make it stop, but the bull always wins in the end.

One day we saw some of the bulls in a field.  On the fence there was a sign.

It says "Danger of Death.  Bulls."

In another field we saw this tractor.  I don't think that it is going too far.

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